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Information Security Policy (CRC) has developed and maintains policies and procedures to ensure information security over five broad areas within our environment:

✔ Confidentiality

✔ Physical Security

✔ Electronic Security

✔ Communication Security

✔ Portable Electronic Storage Devices

The following is an overview of our information principles and areas of emphasis.  Each of the following broad areas has multiple, detailed procedures insuring the information security.

Information Policy Fundamentals:


Access to confidential consumer information is limited to those who have a legitimate need to know the information.  Those with a legitimate need to have consumer information are Vendors, Clients, Employees, and Consumers.

Vendors, Clients, and Employees are vetted, only provided/granted access/information necessary to their legitimate needs and then contractually bound to keep all information confidential.  Consumers are vetted before information is disclosed.

Employees are prohibited from “browsing” files or databases without a business justification and the prohibition is contractually bound.

We maintain records on each request for information and identify each user who requested information on a consumer.

Destruction of consumer information follows the Federal Trade Commission’s requirements that the information be unreadable upon disposal.

Physical Security

Access to our computer terminals, file cabinets, fax machines, trash bins, desktops, etc. are secure from unauthorized access.  Our offices are securely locked and monitored by an alarm system.  Authorized visitors to our facility are checked in and monitored.

Electronic Security

We maintain a secure network to safeguard consumer information from internal and external threat.  Our backup data is maintained in an encrypted form.  Access by users over the internet requires a confidential user name and strong password.

Communication Security

All Consumer information transmitted using our computer network, including email, is sent secured using a minimum of 128-bit SSL encryption.  No Consumer information is sent over the internet that is not encrypted or secured with a minimum 128-bit SSL encryption.  This includes the body of emails or attachments.  Access by users over the internet requires a confidential user name and strong password.

Other means of communication, i.e., fax and mail have specialized procedures to insure communication security.

Portable Electronic Storage Devices

The storage of any consumer information outside the premises on any portable electronic storage device or media is prohibited and contractually agreed to by employees with the exception of secure transport of backup materials to approved, vetted storage facility.

Consumer Information Privacy Policy (CRC) is a consumer reporting agency.  It is required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C. 1681 et seq (“FCRA”) to maintain the confidentiality of all consumer information (CRC) obtains information on an individual consumer only upon the request of a user who has a permissible purpose under the FCRA to request information on that consumer.  The FCRA requires a user to certify to (CRC) that it has obtained the written consent of the consumer to request information before (CRC) can supply the requested information.  (There is an exception for employer investigations of suspected employee misconduct or for compliance with law or employer policies).  The user must submit to reasonable audits by (CRC) to confirm that it is, in fact, obtaining such consents. (CRC) does not maintain a database of consumer information.

Any information gathered on any consumer may only be provided to the user authorized by the consumer to receive the information. (CRC) cannot and does not share, sell or distribute consumer information with or to any third party other than the requesting party thereof.  Any consumer, upon proper identification, has the right under the FCRA to request (CRC) to furnish to the consumer any and all information it may have on that consumer.  The consumer has the right to dispute the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in the consumer’s file.  The consumer’s rights under the FCRA may be obtained by contacting us or going to the CFPB website at:

However, (CRC) may be required, upon receipt of a court order to release information in civil litigation or as otherwise required by law, to disclose information regarding a consumer to law enforcement agencies.

Other privacy initiatives and procedures include, but are not limited to:

✔ Access to confidential consumer information is limited within (CRC) to those who have a need to know the information: obtaining and transmitting information on the consumer or those dealing with a consumer request for information or consumer disputes.

✔ Access to’s (CRC’s) computer terminals, file cabinets, fax machines, trash bins, desktops, etc are secure from unauthorized access.

✔ (CRC) maintains a secure network to safeguard consumer information from internal and external threat.

✔ Any backup data is maintained in an encrypted form.

✔ (CRC) maintains records on each request for information and identifies each user who requested information on a consumer.

✔ Employees are prohibited from “browsing” files or databases without a business justification.

✔ Destruction of consumer information follow the Federal Trade Commission’s requirements that the information be unreadable upon disposal.

If you have any questions regarding our Security and Privacy policy, please contact us via phone at 877-272-0266 or email at

Personal Information Disclosure: United States or Overseas (CRC) will not disclose your personal information to a third party, except in accordance with applicable laws.  Typically, (CRC) will only disclose personal information regarding the subject of a background check to a third party in the following situations:

✔ To an employer or prospective employer who has been authorized by the consumer to receive information about him or her.

✔ To a landlord or property owner who has been authorized by the consumer to receive information about him or her.

✔ To a third party representative or subcontractor of (CRC) to assist in the background screening investigation (e.g. providers that support or host this website or otherwise provide technical assistance, as well as court researchers and other service vendors).

✔ As otherwise required by law.

Where (CRC) transfers personal information to a representative or third party subcontractor assisting with a background check, (CRC) provides only the information required to assist with the background check. (CRC) prohibits such third party representatives and subcontractors from using consumer information for any purpose other than assisting (CRC) with the background check. (CRC) also contractually requires such third party representatives and subcontractors to maintain commercially reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of consumer information they receive.

Generally, (CRC) does not transfer information to third parties outside of the United States or its territories.  Such transfers would be done if necessary to complete an international background check (e.g., conducting an international criminal check or verifying educational or employment records outside of the U.S.).

If (CRC) or its assets are acquired by another company, that company will assume responsibility for the personal information collected by (CRC) through the website, and it will assume the rights and obligations regarding the collection and use of such information, as described in this Privacy Policy. (CRC) will not permit another business in such a circumstance to review or examine the information (CRC) has collected without a confidentiality agreement in place and only to the extent of the law

Contact Information Regarding Privacy Policy

To obtain additional information regarding our privacy practices, or to obtain information regarding policies in the event of a compromise of your personal information, please contact:

Miles Davis
Vice President, Operations
2840 Plaza Place, Suite 350
Raleigh, NC 27612
(877) 272-0266